SeeClickFix Blog #3

  • Has​ ​the​ ​status​ ​of​ ​your​ ​issue​ ​changed​ ​since​ ​the last​ ​time​ ​you​ ​checked​ ​it?​ ​​ ​Explain​ ​your​ ​answer. 
My status on my issue has not been changed, it is still as the same as last time, which was acknowledged. There hasn’t been new comments or statues change yet.
On​ ​Edublog​ ​#1​ ​you​ ​were​ ​asked​ ​to​ ​predict 
whether​ ​or​ ​not​ ​SeeClickFix​ ​would​ ​fix​ ​the​ ​problem 
you​ ​reported.​ ​​ ​Did​ ​you​ ​find​ ​that​ ​your​ ​prediction 
came​ ​true?​ ​​ ​Explain​ ​your​ ​answer.  
My prediction was that my report (problem with side walk) wouldn’t get fixed and it seems to true since it’s statues is still in acknowledged.  That sidewalk has been like that for a very long time and nobody has done anything to fix that sidewalk, and there was also no sign that said that there would be construction to be done on the sidewalk soon since I passed there last weekend.
Are​ ​you​ ​satisfied​ ​with​ ​the​ ​result​ ​of​ ​the​ ​issue​ ​you 
reported?​ ​​ ​Explain​ ​why,​ ​or​ ​why​ ​not. 
I am satisfied because I feel like it’s hard to find workers that are have their schedule open to do another construction work, I know that my issue will take more time than others because they have to find a group of workers to fix the sidewalk and maybe right now their very busy. Also, it may be because their trying to find a day where those sidewalks aren’t very busy which is hard due to the amount of churches there, who have their services many diffrent days.
Do​ ​you​ ​think​ ​that​ ​SeeClickFix​ ​is​ ​a​ ​useful​ ​tool​ ​for 
helping​ ​people​ ​fix​ ​problems​ ​in​ ​their 
communities?​ ​​ ​Explain​ ​your​ ​answer.
Personally I do think so for some things because picking up trash is an easy task to do but for other things like sidewalks, graffiti, potholes take much more time because there has to be a group of works to be there and fix that problem and those workers maybe already have their plans full therefore the issue has to wait a little, but then it would be fixed once the workers have their schedule open for another type of work.
If​ ​you​ ​could​ ​change​ ​or​ ​improve​ ​SeeClickFix, 
what​ ​would​ ​you​ ​do?​ ​​ ​Explain​ ​your​ ​answer.  
I would have the maps have actual picture of how the streets look like because in this genertation we relay on Google maps to find our places and show us how the streets look like, and it would be nice to have that feature in SeeClickFix so it could be much easier for us to find where the place was when we saw the issue.
Which​ ​class​ ​project​ ​do​ ​you​ ​think​ ​was​ ​best​ ​able 
to​ ​help​ ​the​ ​people​ ​who​ ​resisted​ ​an​ ​oppression 
gain​ ​agency:​ ​​ ​SeeClickFix​ ​or​ ​the​ ​May​ ​Day​ ​March? 
Explain​ ​your​ ​answer. 
I will say SeeClickFix because there has been many people who have had their issue fixed already and that means that they have gained agency really fast, while for the March it is more complicated, but thats understandable because the goals that the schools had come up with need time for them to become true due to many other people who think differently than us. SeeClickFix gives you agency very fast but the issue isn’t as big as Deportation but it is still something that is helping our communitie.
Do​ ​the​ ​results​ ​of​ ​the​ ​SeeClickFix​ ​and​ ​May​ ​Day 
projects​ ​imply​ ​that​ ​one​ ​form​ ​of​ ​resistance​ ​is 
better​ ​than​ ​another?​ ​​ ​Explain​ ​your​ ​answer. 
It’s all depends on what you are resisting against because there are some things that you can easily gain agency  (dumping trash) while other have to take time to gain it back because it’s a subject that has many controversial about that subject (deportation). While yes you gain agency for fixing something within your communitie it is something else whne the issue is kind of all the world or in a Country.

SeeClickFix #2

  • What did you learn about the status of the issue you reported to SeeClickFix?

I learned that I my issue went from being open to being acknowledged.

  • Describe the response you got about the issue you reported.  What was the message you received?  Who sent you that message?

The message was sent to me on May 16  by the City of Oakland Call Center. The message was said that they have acknowledged and would try to fix the problem, and to check back on the issue to know if anything changed with my issue or call them by the number of 510-615-5566.

  • Describe how the 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using stickies and posters.  What do each posters mean?  

There are three different kind of posters, it all started with our issue being open because nobody knew about the issue yet, but once they do know, once the people who try to help us with the issue know about it, it goes under acknowledged, and when it is either been solved or it was put under acrichive (not going to get solved) then it goes under closed. To find out what the statutes is, you have to go to the website, SeeClickFix and go to the top right corner where it has a icon of a person. Click that and find a button that says My Content. Later it would show of the statutes of your issue.

  • Did you change the status of the issue you reported on a poster?  Explain why, or why not.

I did change the status of my issue because on my SeeClickFix, it has changed. It no longer is under the status of Open, since it was acknowledged by the City of Oakland.

  • Did any patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved, and which are not?  Explain your answer.

The changes that has happened is there used to be majority of the posted noted on the open poster but it has now changed and now the majority of it to the poster that says acknowledge because the people in SeeClickFIx have found out about the issue and they’re doing something about it right now.

  • Do you think 9th grade students are gaining agency based on their efforts on this project?  Explain your answer.

I do think that they are gaining agency because these 9th graders are living in this neighborhood, and if they have chosen to do something is because they want to change how Oakland looks like. They are going to change of how it looks like (Oakland) to which is being acted on and that is gaining agency.

SeeClickFix Blog #1


  • In your own words, explain what the words RESISTANCE and AGENCY mean.

The word Resistance is when someone refuses to do something, or tries to prevent it from happening. While, Agency means the ability to determine the outcome of one’s own life or take control of their life again.

  • In your own words, explain what the term SOCIAL MOVEMENT means.

Social Movement is when a group of people come together to resist an oppression that could affect them or someone they know or to make a change of some kind.

  • What does the company called SEECLICKFIX do for people living in Oakland?

SeeClickFix is a company that works to help around to fix the problems in Oakland by going to the people that is their job to fix it and they won’t leave them alone until the problem is fixed. The problems that they try to fix is Potholes, Illegal dumping, Problems with the sidewalk and Graffiti.

  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression and gain agency?  Explain why, or why not.

SeeClickFix for me personally does help around in Oakland because the people who’s job is trying to keep Oakland decent aren’t doing anything but this company isn’t going to just sit around and take the oppression that they are putting on us, they are doing their job which is to help people like us who can’t really do anything. The company is being out voices to help around.

  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, how, and why).

I took the picture of the sidewalk that was in front of a church, the sidewalk goes into a curve inwards and that sidewalk has never been fixed and I always see it when i come out of church, which to me is a problem because many people there go to church, and majority of women wear heels, so when they walk they might fragile their ankle due to the sidewalk going lower then the rest of the sidewalk. I took it on Sunday since that’s the day that I go to church and I always walked on that sidewalk to go back home after church is finished.

  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

First we had to make a account on SeeClickFix, which consisted of putting in your First and Last name, along with putting in your email address two times, and putting in a password. You got to confirm that you are not a robot and let SeeClickFix access to your location. Finally, you will get a email from them to confirm your account on SeeClickFix.

  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

We first had to log into our accounts, and there is a button on the right top corner that say Report an Issue. You have to click that button and it would ask you to locate the location that the issue is at, and if you don’t know it, there is also a button that say’s locate where i am. To which would help you locate you and then you’ll figure out where it is. Next, you’ll have click of what issue you are reporting and describe the issue. It’s optional if you want to report the issue as an anonymous or if you don’t want to, it’s okay also, lastly click report.

  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

I think it wouldn’t because maybe the company that is supposed to fix it would just say that it isn’t that big of a deal, that it isn’t that bad, the people that walk by that sidewalk and have a problem with could simply just walk around it. They won’t really see the problem since the sidewalk isn’t exactly a cement on top of another nor is it missing one. There might be a report that would say to be careful around that part of the sidewalk.

Edublog Assignment #8

Afropunk Rules is a group of different people from different race (mostly African American) and how those different kind of people did projects like short films, write their own songs, do art, sports, fashion, photography (take pictures) and many other different things. The AfroPunk rules was created by the members of AfroPunk to remind people the reason to why the came here in the first place, to be Judgmental free. All of that mostly involves subjects that they protest against and the whole reason for this is because the people who are having a hard time with being accepted by others, know that there are people who support them for who they are. It’s also to give society a heads up that they aren’t going to change who the are, what makes them happy because others simply don’t like who they are.


The oppression happened to the people who had loads of hate towards “unnatural” things that society has labeled as Abnormal, which is mostly people’s appearances. In society, most people has came to the conclusion that in order to be normal and fit in you have to be an skinny calm housewife or a muscles man, that it’s okay to say offensive things to a race along with being treated by your age rather than what you know. It to all those people who was put to the side and marked as wrong and how they were outsiders because other people didn’t want to be open minded and accept something that made other people happy.


The person who is the oppressor is the people who has hate towards people who don’t meet the expectation of what society has made as normality. Oppression is when a group or groups of people benefits from exploiting or abusing another group of people which in this case, the people who believe what society has shown of what is normal can’t accept something different because that’s unnatural. The people who can’t like you for who you are, keep on trying to change you, and break you down by making you think who you are is wrong. They benefit by making you into what they want you to be so they could be happy, even if you aren’t. The people who is being exploited or abused are the people who is viewed as outsider’s because they don’t meet society’s expectation of what is perfect. The people who is being oppressed are the people who is being looked at like they are outsider’s and don’t belong here. Oppression happens when another group benefits from exploits or abused another group of people which in this case, are the outsiders who had a already hard time with coming to accept themselves and be okay with their looks only for them to be brought down and told who they are isn’t okay or that they are more better than them. It may not be physical at times but people who keep on trying to put the idea of what’s perfect because of what society has said is equally as hurtful or maybe more than the physical one.

The person who wrote the article is Gabbie Watts in September 21, 2015. Gabbie wrote the article in Wabe 90.1 Where ATI meets NPR, it is a radio station in Georgia, Atlanta.


“…James Spooner’s 2003 documentary that focused on African-American young people in the predominately all-white punk scene. Spooner highlighted how these kids of color dealt with the dual identity of “punk” and “black” in a society that rarely associated those two identities.’’

This article that was posted in at an radio station is reliable because the author, Gabbie Watts was interviewing the person who made AfroPunk. She was primary source since Matthew Morgan who also helped with AfroPunk to get recognized. Matthew also told the story of AfroPunk to Gabbie, and how it was inspired because of a documentary. Gabbie also went into details about how AfroPunk started to become popular and around what year which can be found in other sources that say the same thing.


The category of Oppression that is happening is social system because Social System is when people are organized based on how their relationship they have with another, and how they behave in those relationship. In this case, the people of color were being shown on how society has treat them and how their lives were. In the documentary, which is about real life events, the kids were being limited to who they could be due to how society or, how the caucasian people thought how they should be. Punk, which is kind of like rock, wasn’t normal for a black person to do that kind of music. How Punk was for white people to play/express. If you were black and did punk music, you were considered an outsider, because the people in society who had more privilege decided that.


The level oppression used here is Internalized oppression. Internalized oppression happens because people choose to believe negative narratives about themselves. The people that other has marked as outsider are believing what they’re being told. People, society has put out there that if you’re black, all you really want to do is kill people, and cause trouble. Once somebody hears that about themselves, they could either ignore it and go on with their lives because they have heard that phrase so many times that it doesn’t affect them anymore or they would listen to what others are saying and believe the other perspective of who they are. AfroPunk is of people who have been told that their weird, should be feared, or isn’t right. AfroPunk is welcoming the gay people who have been told it’s wrong who they love, it’s the people who are too skinny, it’s the people who are fat, it’s the people who are being bullied for being trans, it’s the people who have been hated on for who they are, AfroPunk welcomes the outsiders. Now, that isn’t the only level of Oppression, another one that can connect to this is InterPersonal because Interpersonal is how one person has behaved in one relationship, which in this case, people are still discriminating African American because they still think that they’re better than them, because of History. History has made Black people to seem less than everyone else, and that their worthless and the only reason that their good for is to be a servant.


One thing that caused oppression is how nobody wanted to sign the musicians that Morgan, the one who had created AfroPunk, because black kids didn’t listen to rock ’n’ roll so there was no potential for them to be signed since their career wasn’t going anywhere. Morgan also had teamed up with a Producer and Morgan saw what was happening to the people in the document. The black kids were being told that punk and their kid of race didn’t mix together. To Morgan there isn’t really a genre for the musicians in AfroPunk, it’s more of just music that has been inspired and picking what kind of sound was going to be played and how it was going to be presented.


By The people that had companies, by them denying the kids that Morgan had to become musicians, opened up an idea to Morgan. The industry said that they didn’t have potentiation by singing rock ‘n’ roll because no African American hear that kind of music. It made Morgan realize that nobody was going to take the talented kids and why waste such good talent. So Morgan formed AfroPunk, and since she already had musicians that could make a difference through their music she made them perform their songs and get a message through the music to the world… But it wasn’t only music, it was also where you could show your poem and your photography of things that’s happening now in our society.


Morgan had those musicians and yeah, maybe the industry kept on denying them because of genre that they were making but Morgan didn’t give up. She created her own group of people, she made her own business that consisted of different kind of people who wanted to change how the world was. First there was the band and solo artist and that was good enough for now, then it grew more. More people who were denied by society because they didn’t meet their expectation got together and now have concerts where they speak of how our world should accept for who we are. They performed for a small amount of people and the more people started to hear about AfroPunk, of what it was, the more popular it got.


Since AfroPunk has gotten so popular, and since AfroPunk is mostly about sending out the message that being an outsider isn’t bad, and there isn’t wrong with you, it’s more of society. If Morgan never thought of creating AfroPunk, some people won’t be like themselves, they might change themselves because they want to be accepted by others. It may have not made sexism stop or racism, or homophobia, etc. But what they did was make the people who were ashamed of who they were or didn’t like how they looked like, at AfroPunk festival the people there made them forget the hate. At AfroPunk there is a lot of positivity and when there are people who accept you for who you are, it makes you forget about the bad things that has happened. If you’re Trans, and people criticize you because of what bathroom you can use and which one you can’t, at AfroPunk it’s different. There is no label or picture of what gender goes to which bathroom, simply it only says in front of them “This bathroom has been liberated from the gender binary” so you don’t have to worried of what bathroom you can go to because of the fear of being criticised. The festival is always different and there is always something new and different from the last concert, but one thing that’s always there is the feeling of feeling happy and being accepted for who you are.

Edublog Assignment #7

What is the name of the student whose Infographic you reviewed?

The student that i reviewed is Marta, from period 6.

What feedback did you give to that student in the comments section of their edublog?

You do get credit for your reliable source because you proved a evidence as to why the author that wrote it is reliable. You answered the number 1 of the reliable source. You know about the author and what they have worked with. Along with that, you wrote a complete sentence.

What kind of things do you expect another student will have to say about the infographic that you created, and your answer about reliable sources?

I think the answer would be that I did get credit but there was a few mistakes/ cons to my infographic. I answered the questions that were provided for the reliable source, along with complete sentences.

Edublog Assignment #5

Do you think Colonization, the Encomienda System, and the African Slave trade still influence people’s lives today?  Explain your answer.

I think that it does affect us today because the amount of people who still believe that they could take advantage of African-American people thinking that they are still like it was the way before. To our new president for an example, Trump thinks that it okay to make people be labeled to what he thinks. I’ve seen people who get afraid during the night when they see an African because they have this idea to where they are all bad and would rob, rape, beat them up when.. it really isn’t like that. It’s now okay to criticize people on their race or ethnicity and say that it’s how they all are like.


Edublog Assignment #4

What is a dominant narrative?  Explain in a complete sentence.

A Dominant Narrative is when people in a position of privilege tell the story of someone who is not.


What are two examples of a dominant narrative?

Two examples of a dominant narrative is when somebody who is a caucasian, rich, healthy woman is talking about the life of a lation poor man. Another example is when a Straight people is talking about the struggle of a Transgender Gay Man.


Edublog Assignment #3




I live in Fruitvale, Oakland. The neighborhood that I grew up in is back in Florida, Homestead. It was nice living there, except for the hot weather. I hated it, which is mostly why I was inside when i was between 9-11. I used to have a guy best friend who i played with all the time, outside. But we started to become distant from each other. I am.. Really different. I am an optimist person, always looking the good in the people, but there are times where i am not. I am not close to normal, I have spend most of my time listening to music, and reading (mostly fan fiction). I am mostly shy, and keep quiet. I don’t like to draw too much attention to myself. One thing that’s assigned to me is my birthday. It’s in the summer, which is great!


Dominant Narrative is when someone who has a higher power than you, start to say things about who they think you are/ represent. I’ve used 3 pictures that represent who I am. I’m I’m a massive supportive of feminism, but most people think that feminist isn’t okay, that is wrong. That if we support it, woman want more, higher, power than males. That we’re lesbians, we practice witchcraft and to leave their husbands…. And it hurts to know that people think that. It’s actually sad that people believe that’s what feminism is. Sometimes I want to just scream at them and tell them that it isn’t like that, other times… I just feel pity for them. They don’t open their minds to new things, and don’t give the chance to learn more.


Then there is Counter Narrative. It’s when someone stands up and talks back to the person that said that about them or what they represent. Feminism isn’t wanting higher power than males, it isn’t to leave their husbands or to become lesbians. It’s wanting equality. We all deserve to be treated the same, no one should have a higher power than the other. And most people think that feminist is just females supporting it. News flash, it isn’t, there is lots of famous artist that are male and support feminism. It’s really nice to know that the world isn’t dark… there are still people out there who are nice, kind, open minded. Which is why I still hold on to hope. Hope that people would stop criticising others before they know the full story.


Also, there is identity. There is assigned identity, which is something you can’t change (ex: place of birth, birth date, etc.) There is also choose identity. It’s something that you can change (favorite color, where you live, job, etc.) One of the images that I used to describe my identity is Netflix. It’s very popular right now. It’s a place that you can use to watch your TV shows, and movies. There a catch though, you’ve got to pay. Which is okay to me, it’s helped me in Some way I guess. Netflix has so many TV shows that I watch there, but my favorite of them all is Supernatural. That TV has shown me soo much, and has made me feel so many emotions. I’ve felt sadness, grief, happiness, anger, jealousy, betrayal, hope, and many more. I’ve also learned that family is the most important thing out there. It also has shown me that even in the darkest times, there is hope, and light to be found. It’s shaped of how I see the world now.


Finally, people see me as the shy girl that doesn’t speak much, that doesn’t know much about the world, and a very nice girl. If people just stayed a little while longer and got to know who I really was, they would have know that I’m not shy, I’m quite a very loud, weird, crazy girl that knows that the world is mostly filled with bad and dark stuff… but I also know that there’s good in there, it’s not all dark. And I also know that even the darkness isn’t bad. There’s good in it, but not everyone knows that because they all assume things, and I’m nice because I don’t want to be rude. Telling the story of who I really am is important because maybe there are other who are experiencing the same thing as me. I want to inspire people, to tell them that it’s okay to show who you are. What others say doesn’t mean anything because they don’t know who you are. What I learned in this unit is that there are more things that I need to know about myself. To know who I really am. I’m not done with finding out who I am yet, this is just the beginning.