Edublog Assignment #4

What is a dominant narrative?  Explain in a complete sentence.

A Dominant Narrative is when people in a position of privilege tell the story of someone who is not.


What are two examples of a dominant narrative?

Two examples of a dominant narrative is when somebody who is a caucasian, rich, healthy woman is talking about the life of a lation poor man. Another example is when a Straight people is talking about the struggle of a Transgender Gay Man.


Edublog Assignment #3




I live in Fruitvale, Oakland. The neighborhood that I grew up in is back in Florida, Homestead. It was nice living there, except for the hot weather. I hated it, which is mostly why I was inside when i was between 9-11. I used to have a guy best friend who i played with all the time, outside. But we started to become distant from each other. I am.. Really different. I am an optimist person, always looking the good in the people, but there are times where i am not. I am not close to normal, I have spend most of my time listening to music, and reading (mostly fan fiction). I am mostly shy, and keep quiet. I don’t like to draw too much attention to myself. One thing that’s assigned to me is my birthday. It’s in the summer, which is great!


Dominant Narrative is when someone who has a higher power than you, start to say things about who they think you are/ represent. I’ve used 3 pictures that represent who I am. I’m I’m a massive supportive of feminism, but most people think that feminist isn’t okay, that is wrong. That if we support it, woman want more, higher, power than males. That we’re lesbians, we practice witchcraft and to leave their husbands…. And it hurts to know that people think that. It’s actually sad that people believe that’s what feminism is. Sometimes I want to just scream at them and tell them that it isn’t like that, other times… I just feel pity for them. They don’t open their minds to new things, and don’t give the chance to learn more.


Then there is Counter Narrative. It’s when someone stands up and talks back to the person that said that about them or what they represent. Feminism isn’t wanting higher power than males, it isn’t to leave their husbands or to become lesbians. It’s wanting equality. We all deserve to be treated the same, no one should have a higher power than the other. And most people think that feminist is just females supporting it. News flash, it isn’t, there is lots of famous artist that are male and support feminism. It’s really nice to know that the world isn’t dark… there are still people out there who are nice, kind, open minded. Which is why I still hold on to hope. Hope that people would stop criticising others before they know the full story.


Also, there is identity. There is assigned identity, which is something you can’t change (ex: place of birth, birth date, etc.) There is also choose identity. It’s something that you can change (favorite color, where you live, job, etc.) One of the images that I used to describe my identity is Netflix. It’s very popular right now. It’s a place that you can use to watch your TV shows, and movies. There a catch though, you’ve got to pay. Which is okay to me, it’s helped me in Some way I guess. Netflix has so many TV shows that I watch there, but my favorite of them all is Supernatural. That TV has shown me soo much, and has made me feel so many emotions. I’ve felt sadness, grief, happiness, anger, jealousy, betrayal, hope, and many more. I’ve also learned that family is the most important thing out there. It also has shown me that even in the darkest times, there is hope, and light to be found. It’s shaped of how I see the world now.


Finally, people see me as the shy girl that doesn’t speak much, that doesn’t know much about the world, and a very nice girl. If people just stayed a little while longer and got to know who I really was, they would have know that I’m not shy, I’m quite a very loud, weird, crazy girl that knows that the world is mostly filled with bad and dark stuff… but I also know that there’s good in there, it’s not all dark. And I also know that even the darkness isn’t bad. There’s good in it, but not everyone knows that because they all assume things, and I’m nice because I don’t want to be rude. Telling the story of who I really am is important because maybe there are other who are experiencing the same thing as me. I want to inspire people, to tell them that it’s okay to show who you are. What others say doesn’t mean anything because they don’t know who you are. What I learned in this unit is that there are more things that I need to know about myself. To know who I really am. I’m not done with finding out who I am yet, this is just the beginning.